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Bend Deductions


Own bend deductions can be manually entered or imported into this screen.

Material – Displays the material for which the scenario applies.
Thickness – Displays the thickness of the sheet to which the scenario applies.
Punch Radius – Displays the upper tool radius for which the scenario applies.
Die V Width – Displays the lower tool width for which the scenario applies.
Die Radius – Displays the lower tool radius for which the scenario applies.
Die Angle – Displays the lower tool angle to which the scenario applies.
Add – Use this switch to add a Scenario.
Edit – Use this switch to allow editing of the selected scenario.
Copy – This will copy the information of the selected scenario, allowing editing and adding as a new scenario.
Delete – This option will delete the selected scenario.
 – Gives 4 extra options:

  • Graph… – Displays the Deduction graph screen.
  • Reset – This will delete all custom bend deduction data.
  • Import… – Bend deductions can be imported here using a CSV file.
  • Export… – Bend deductions can be exported here using a CSV file. This does not work with Trumpf bend deductions.

Air Bending

To add bend deductions for air-bending to a scenario, select the scenario that the deduction will apply. This will highlight the Add switch.

Bend Angle – Displays the bending angle for the bend deduction.
Deduction (Edge) – Displays the bend edge deduction for the selected scenario.
Deduction (Tangent) – Displays the tangent bend deduction for the selected scenario.
Inner Radius – Displays the inner radius set for the selected scenario.
Add – Use this switch to add a bend deduction.
Edit – Use this switch to allow editing of the selected bend deduction.
Copy – This will copy the information of the selected Air-bending deduction, allowing editing and adding as a new deduction.
Delete – This option will delete the selected deduction.


To add bend deductions for coining to a scenario, select the scenario that the deduction will apply. This will highlight the Add switch.

Deduction (Edge) – Displays the bend edge deduction for the selected scenario.
Deduction (Tangent) – Displays the tangent bend deduction for the selected scenario.
Inner Radius – Displays the inner radius set for the selected scenario.
Add – Use this switch to add a bend deduction.
Delete – This option will delete the selected deduction.

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