Gooseneck Punch
Below, we can see a sample Gooseneck punch DXF drawing. To the left, we have the side view profile of the tool. To the right, we have any ear tools that are required for this tool. We can specify the number of ear tools by putting a multiplier value inside the drawing. In this example, we can see that it is 2x. An origin reference point will need to be placed at the mounting point on the side profile of the tool.
The following text entities are required for a Gooseneck punch:
NAME – This is the name given for the tool.
TONNAGE – This is the tonnage of the tool in kN.
UPPER – This is the upper punch valency of the tool.
PIECES – These are the required tool lengths. These are separated by a comma, and if more than one is required, we can use a multiplier to specify the value required.
CANFLIP – If the tool can be flipped when mounted, this should be set to 1.
GROUP – This can be used to specify the tool group that this tool would belong to. In this case, it is Gooseneck.